No-line Lenses

Good Signs for the No-lines.

No-line bifocals, or progressive lenses, have become very popular over the last several years. They have several advantages:

  • they work like a tri-focal, giving clear vision at:
    • distance
    • arm’s length
    • near/reading
  • they work well for computer users; and your friends are clueless you have to wear bifocals!

The main disadvantage lies in the way they are cut. The curvature of the lens changes gradually top to bottom, which results in peripheral distortion (blur) at the bottom edges of the lens, and a generally more-narrow reading area compared to a lined bifocal. Some patients have problems adapting.

Newer designs are available which provide a larger area to read through at the bottom of the lens. Additionally, in making the reading area larger the distorted area is pushed further into the periphery. This makes the side-blur much less noticeable to the patient, and allows for more “play” in head and eye movements without losing a clear focus, and a higher success rate.

We have the highest success rate fitting the Varilux progressive lenses. In our opinion, Varilux lenses give the absolute widest reading area with the least peripheral distortion of any progressive lens on the market today.

Check them out at: